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Membership is to the Manchester City FC Official Supporters' Club. See the MCFC website at www.mancityosc.com
Anyone wishing to join the club should click on the above link, click on 'find a branch' and zoom in until you see 'Heywood'. Click on the name, then on the yellow 'join a branch'. You may need to log in to the site before carrying on. Once you have applied, you will need to pay the appropriate amount to the membership secretary by cash. Membership prices are:- £1 for under 18s, £4 for 18-22, £6 for 22-60 and £3 for over 60s.


Branch meetings will take place at The Summit Pub, 152 Bury New Road, Heywood, OL10 4RG. The next one is yet to be arranged but the committee will be available at The Summit before every home game.


We run a coach to every home game. We pick-up at The Summit Pub 90 minutes before kick-off. Please note that membership to the club does not guarantee you a seat on the coach. Prices are:- £3 for under 18s, £8 for 18-65 and £5 for over 65s. Please refer to the fixture list for games.


We don't run coaches to away games.

Monday, 10 August 2009

60th Anniversary Dinner

The OSC 60th Anniversary Dinner will be held on Friday the 27th November in a marquee on the concourse of the east stand. Tickets cost £40 and include a three-course meal, a guest on the table and guest speakers. It has been confirmed that Uwe Rosler will be a special guest. Anyone interested should see Mark or Mick to book a place.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Heywood Blues sponsor Heywood CC v Unsworth

We are pleased to announce that we will be sponsoring the game v Unsworth on Saturday the 25th July. Anyone interested in attending should contact Mark or me. The cost is about £20 each and there is a buffet and some free drinks together with a mention in the match programme.

Monday, 27 April 2009

MCFC Player Of The Year

Voting forms are available for Player Of The Year and need to be in by Saturday 2nd May. Please contact Mick.

Eligible players for the young player are:- Felipe Caicedo, Ched Evans, Michael Johnson, Daniel Sturridge, Kelvin Etuhu, Micah Richards and Shaleum Logan.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Heywood Blues sponsor Heywood Cricket Club's under 11s

We are delighted to announce that for the 2009 season, Heywood Blues are sponsoring Heywood Cricket Club's under 11 cricket team. Please support the team. Matches are played on Wednesday evening.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

OSC 60th Anniversary Polo Shirts and Pullovers

We can order polo shirts and pullovers with the 60th Anniversary badge motifs on. Please see the chairman or secretary for further details.

Heywood Blues and OSC Badges

We still have a number of Heywood Blues 2008 badges left priced £2.00. We also have some OSC 60th anniversary badges also priced at £2.00. Please contact the secretary or chairman for further details.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Race Trip - Saturday 4th July, 2009

The race trip has been arranged for Saturday 4th July, 2009. It is to Haydock Park and will be similar to last year's whereby we had a breakfast at The Heywood and then onto Haydock for a few drinks before going to the course. Return is back to The Heywood where we will put on a buffet. Prices depend on numbers but as a guide, last year cost £35 which paid for travel, entrance to the course and the buffet. A savings scheme where you can save money each week is in operation. Anyone interested, please contact Mark or Mick. See contacts at the side for details.